This page contains the supplementary information for Higham & Urbanowski, Comment on : “A 41,500 year-old decorated ivory pendant from Stajnia Cave (Poland)”, by S. Talamo et al (2021) It contains the results of the analysis on the integrity of the Stajnia plaque fragments as well as an attempt to the reconstruction of this artefact.
Fig. 1. Visual description of all the fragments of the plaque. Photos and 3D scans combined to present all views.
Fig. 2a. 3D model of plaque - fragments separated. 3D modell of all 4 fragments of the plaque separated for the observation from different angles
Fig. 2b. 3D model of plaque - fragments matched. 3D modell of all 4 fragments of the plaque combined tohgether.
Fig. 3. Artifact surface analysis Differentiation of the ventral and dorsal surfaces in terms of preparation, scars, exfoliation etc. Presence of residual D1 sediment. Partially preserved fragments of the hole visible on S23100 as well as S23101b.
Fig. 4. Measurements and comparison of fragments in terms of shape and outer and inner features. Outlines, sizes, angles and outline of edges, as well as the structure of fully or partially preserved holes compared.
Fig. 5. Analysis of the matching between the S23101, S23100 and S22222. At least 4 independent matches between all 3(4) fragments presented, including mechanical matches as well as features of the surface.
Fig. 6a. An attempt to reconstruct the initial shape of the plaque. Proposal of the reconstruction through reductive approach by symmetrical mirroring the existing parts.
Fig. 6b. 3D model of plaque - full reconstruction. 3D model of the plaque with proposed reconstruction of the lost parts.
Fig. 7. An attempt to reconstruct the "taphonomy" of the plaque. Proposal of the reconstruction of plaque decomposition stages in terms of its weathering & fragmentation as well as distancing the fragments in the fossile record.
Fig. 8a. Stratigraphy of Stajnia Cave - all sections. For better understanding the location of subsequent sections compare it to 3D models below.
Fig. 8b. Stajnia stratigraphy 3D (shallow trenches). 3D model of the combined sections and plans based on the photogrammetric documentation - upper part of the trenches.
Fig. 8c. Stajnia stratigraphy 3D + loc. of the plaque (deep trenches). 3D model of the combined sections and plans based on the photogrammetric documentation - lower part of the trenches.
Fig. 9. Cryogenic structures formation and decay Presents the cryogenic structures in Stajnia Cave fossile record in longitudinal section of the cave corridor (9a), as well as schematic reconstruction of the proces of their formation and decay in perpendicular section (9b) including also specific morphology of the cave wall (9c).
Fig. 10. Stratigraphic location of the plaque fragments. Includes information about post-depositional distortions caused by cryoturbation which occured in MIS-2 periglacial environment and the extent of the all niche protecting the in-situ position of the sediments and finds.
Fig. 11a. Documentation of the in situ exploration of the plaque fragments. Includs photos, descriptive documentation and original descriptions on the plastic bags and. All stages of the proces of extraction, documentation, creating the temporary and final ID numbers explained.